RDI has conducted visual landscape inventories along extensive highways and waterways throughout much of Beautiful British Columbia as seen from space in the adjacent KML map.
The source document is the Visual Landscape Inventory Procedures Manual. KB Fairhurst helped with the initial development of VLI in 1980 when with the Ministry of Forests. His maps are on pages 32 and 34 of the Ministry of Forests "Forest Landscape Handbook", 1981.
KB Fairhurst developed the preliminary drafts of the "Forest Landscape Management Strategies for Alberta" when he was with Alberta Energy and Natural Resources in 1985, while in intercession from his position as Landscape Specialist for the Ministry of Forests, Vancouver Forest Region.
The system, known as the Visual Landscape System for planning and managing aesthetic resources (VLS) was built by RDI for the Cumulative Environmental Management Association (CEMA) in the Wood-Buffalo Region of Alberta. See download below. Golder and Associates later applied the system in one of their Environmental Impact Assessments (see links below).
Broad panoramas are recorded with 360 degree coverage